Growth focused
investment programs

Grow your savings with the upside potential of market returns combined with the safety of FDIC insurance³

Save account level returns

The chart below shows the distribution of all Save customers’ 1-year Market Savings account level returns, which include returns from deposit programs and any bonuses after any applicable fees.

1-year Market Savings account actual returns*

1-year Market Savings account actual returns*

Returns shown above are as of .

Investment Portfolios

Save Global Diversified Markets Portfolios

Save Global Diversified Markets

The Global Diversified Markets portfolios (conservative/moderate/growth) utilize a sophisticated rules-based investment approach that captures returns across a wide range of asset classes and regions, seeking to maximize the consistency of returns.

Save ESG Portfolio

The ESG portfolio utilizes the same investment techniques as the Save Global Diversified Markets portfolios and maintains a similar global multi-asset class approach, while utilizing ESG-focused ETFs where possible and avoiding certain assets.

Save Global Multi-Strategy Portfolio

The Global Multi-Strategy portfolio seeks to generate returns across market regimes by combining 6 sub-strategies, built using a cutting-edge quantitative approach that exploits how financial markets respond to themes and patterns, or ‘narratives’.

Save US Macro Portfolio

The US Macro portfolio seeks to generate returns by allocating across asset classes using macroeconomic variables such as interest rates, inflation and the US dollar. This portfolio focuses on the US equity and bond markets, along with commodities.

S&P 500 Risk-Controlled Portfolio

The S&P 500 Risk-Controlled portfolio follows the S&P 500 Index, and adjusts the level of exposure upward or downward daily to maintain a stable level of volatility.

For more detailed information about the investment portfolios see our Investment Portfolios page.
