A New Way to Save
for Retirement

  • Principal guaranteed investment program based on a five-year term
  • Get the return potential of an S&P 500 portfolio

Market Trust

5-year term


Variable APY**

(not guaranteed; minimum 0%)

Market Trust gives your money a smarter way to grow for retirement

Zero risk to your principal

Your investment program is principal guaranteed at the maturity of the 5-year program term.

Investment generated
variable APY** of 17.21%

We allocate investments to a market portfolio such as the S&P 500 Risk-Controlled portfolio.

Market Trust APYs are not guaranteed; minimum 0%.

Access market investment’s cash value anytime​

Your market investment portfolio can be liquidated and its cash value can be withdrawn at any time.

How Market Trust Works

Market Trust
Program Setup

We open an investment account at Apex Clearing (SIPC insured) and set up a Trust.

Make Investments

Based on your investment profile, we allocate investments to your program. The allocations guarantee your principal and provide market upside. Your program will mature after five years.

Watch Progress

On a daily basis, you will be able to see your program performance by logging into your Save app.​

Investment Term Ends

After five years, when the investment program matures, the net returns are paid out in cash or participants can elect to renew the program for an additional 5-year term based on availability. ​

Market Trust Variable APY** vs. Other Savings Options

Market Saving and Market Trust APYs are not guaranteed;
minimum 0%.

Market Trust Details vs. Other Savings Options

Market Trust
5-Year CD
17.21% variable**

(not guaranteed;
minimum 0%)

Principal protection
5 years
5 years
Minimum deposit
Typically $500 - $1,000
Yield type
Market driven

Allocations to your market securities can be accessed anytime. Withdrawals from the guaranteed interest rate product may be subject to surrender charges.

Typically there are early withdrawal fees
Market Trust
Market Savings
17.21% variable**
9.07% variable*
Principal protection
5 years
1 year
Minimum deposit
Yield type
Market driven
Market driven

Allocations to your market securities can be accessed anytime. Withdrawals from the guaranteed interest rate product may be subject to surrender charges.

You may withdraw at any time, subject to advisory fees and early withdrawal costs
Market Trust
Fixed Index Annuities
17.21% variable**
Principal protection
5 years
Typically 1-10 years
Minimum deposit
Typically $5,000
Yield type
Market driven
Market driven

Allocations to your market securities can be accessed anytime. Withdrawals from the guaranteed interest rate product may be subject to surrender charges.

Surrender charges and possibly other admin fees. Potential for IRS tax penalties


  • What are the Market Trust program’s investment allocations?

    Market Trust allocates your deposit to your selected market investment portfolios, cash, and a guaranteed interest products.

  • How does the principal guarantee work?

    A Market Trust program is principal guaranteed if held for the complete 5-year term. When a program is started, the majority of the deposit is placed in a guaranteed interest product which will accrue yields by maturity that equal the initial deposit. This guarantees that regardless of the performance of your market investment portfolio at least your initial deposit will be returned at maturity. See illustration

  • I want to know more about the market investments. How do they work?

    The market investments are allocated to a portfolio managed by our team of industry-leading financial professionals. Typically, we place Market Trust customers into the S&P 500 Risk Controlled Portfolio. Learn More About Investments.

  • Is the Market Trust variable APY guaranteed?**

    No. The Market Trust APY** is variable and linked to an investment return. Just like any investment account, your returns are based on market fluctuation. The APY** presented is based on the live performance of the S&P 500 Risk Controlled Portfolio with the understanding that in certain years the Portfolio may have outperformed the APY**, and in other years it may have underperformed the APY** and even potentially returned 0%.

  • How does the market-generated variable APY** actually work?

    After you make a deposit, Save’s investment team works with our partners to fund investments in your selected portfolio which will accumulate a return or APY Your returns could be higher or lower than expected depending on the performance of the portfolio, but they can never be lower than zero. In other words, your APY** comes from the performance of those investments — and if they perform really well, so will the APY.

  • Can I withdraw my money at any time?

    You can make withdrawals from your selected investment portfolio at any time. An early withdrawal from the guaranteed interest product has additional surrender charges and/or IRS tax penalties.²

    If you choose to make withdrawals from the guaranteed interest product allocation in any year before the end of the 5-year term, the issuer will apply a withdrawal or surrender charge to the amount withdrawn, and may also apply a market value adjustment which may increase or decrease the amount withdrawn. If you are under 59 ½, the withdrawal will also be subject to a 10% federal excise tax on the portion of the withdrawal representing interest.

    Important note: Any amounts withdrawn from the guaranteed interest product will reduce the interest you will earn over the 5-year term and, therefore, your initial deposit may not be fully protected following any withdrawals.

    For more information, you can also request help by emailing us at support@joinsave.com or chatting with us through your app.

  • Why is my age important?

    Market Trust combines an market investment portfolio with a guaranteed interest rate product that generates guaranteed interest. Allocations to a guaranteed interest rate product are treated similarly to deposits made into an investment retirement account (IRA) in that withdrawals made prior to retirement age, which is 59.5 years, are taxed with a 10% penalty.

  • What are some important things that I should know?

    • A Market Trust program has a 5-year term and a minimum deposit of $5,000.
    • Your principal is guaranteed only if you hold the investment to maturity.
    • If you fully withdraw prior to the end of the five-year term, you will be subject to penalties from withdrawing from the guaranteed interest product. Note that costs do not exist with redeeming the investment portion.
    • If at the end of the five-year period you are under the age of 59 ½ and you do not roll the income product into another Market Trust program, you may be subject to a 10% federal excise tax on interest earned under the annuity unless an exception applies.

    If you choose to make withdrawals from the guaranteed interest product allocation in any year before the end of the 5-year term, the issuer will apply a withdrawal or surrender charge to the amount withdrawn, and may also apply a market value adjustment which may increase or decrease the amount withdrawn. If you are under 59 ½, the withdrawal will also be subject to a 10% federal excise tax on the portion of the withdrawal representing interest.

    Important note: Any amounts withdrawn from the guaranteed interest product will reduce the interest you will earn over the 5-year term and, therefore, your initial deposit may not be fully protected following any withdrawals.

  • Will I be charged any fees?

    Save® charges a per annum management fee of 0.79% (0.54% annual advisory management fee, plus a 0.25% annual administration fee) for the Market Trust Wrap Fee Program. Save will collect its annual administration fee of 0.25% at the beginning of each term year. This administration fee is never rebated to the customer, even in the event of a withdrawal of funds prior to full program term. The 0.25% annual administration portion of the management fee will be retained by Save for sub-periods during the program term that do not exceed 0.79%. At the end of each term year, Save will collect the annual advisory management fee of 0.54% only if the account return exceeds 0.79% during the term year (example: 1-year return of less than 0.79% means no advisory management fee is collected whereas 1-year return of greater than 0.79% means the annual advisory management fee is collected). If the account return exceeds 0.79% per annum over the course of the program term (example: 5-year return greater than 3.95%), then Save will collect any advisory management fees that were not collected during years with account returns less than 0.79%. If the account return does not exceed 0.79% per annum (example: 5-year return is less than 3.95%), then Save will only collect the annual advisory management fee for the number of individual 1-year sub-periods during the program term where the account return exceeded the 0.79% level. Once collected, this advisory management fee is never rebated. Should a program be withdrawn prior to the end of the program term, Save will prorate the annual administration fee yearly and the annual advisory management fee monthly. The annual administration fee of 0.25%, once collected, will not be rebated. The annual advisory management fee of 0.54%, once collected, will not be rebated. For example: program termination at 15 months would result in two full annual administration fees, one full annual advisory management fee, and one partial annual advisory management fee being collected. The full annual advisory management fee is collected only when the account return exceeds 0.79% for the first 1-year interval. This partial annual advisory management fee is collected only when the account return exceeds 0.1975% (0.79%*3/12) for the 2-month interval starting at the end of the first 1-year term. The minimum management fee charged per year during program year term is 0.25% per annum (administration fee portion of management fee). The maximum management fee charged over a program term is 0.79% per annum.

  • I have more questions. Is there anyone I can speak to?

    Yes! You can start a live chat or leave us a message, and someone will get back to you ASAP.
